Thursday, July 3, 2014

Starting Over

Today is about starting over. Almost 2 months ago I had a hysterectomy. The day I went in for surgery I weighed around 155 lbs. Since then I have gained 12 lbs back. I had severe anemia which seemed to cause me to have a condition called Glossitis. It causes your tongue to be super sensitive to spice, acidic foods, etc. I had trouble eating/drinking certain things. During & after surgery I had to have a blood transfusion, like I said severely anemic. My blood count was 4.3, minimum for my age is 11. I had to have 4 units of blood (2 during surgery/2 after) this brought me up to 7.7 when I was released from the hospital. I have since been trying to be good about taking an iron supplement, as well as a daily multi-vitamin & some b12 to help with energy. Luckily since the surgery I have had TONS more energy. The only issue with that is I have not had the chance to get myself back to the gym. Shortly after going back to work the husband & I decided to make a huge (and I mean HUGE) decision for our family. We decided to pack up and move to Rogers, Arkansas. We are now close to my brother & his family. This is something we have planned to do for years. This year we decided to make it happen!

 Now back to starting over. We are moved in & mostly unpacked. I am going to start making myself be more active (it will be my sanity saver for now - I'm stuck in the house with kids all day!) Hopefully at some point I will be able to hit the gym, but for now I am going to start with walking (and hopefully start some running) in our area. It's definitely pretty to look at.

Starting stats: 7/3/14
Weight - 167.4 lbs
Waist - 39.5 inches

And of course the "BEFORE" picture

Hopefully soon I will have some progress. I am going to try to track what I eat each day. I tend to feel like snacking more when I am at home. Boredom sets in & I get hungry. I am trying to keep minimal snacks on hand, so we will see what happens. I am also doing what I can to cook each night & keep it from being completely unhealthy.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Time to hop back on

So it's been since September since I updated. It's been pretty much that long since I made it to the gym. I think I made it once. Life has been crazy & I pretty much lost motivation to go. I have been tracking my weight & have continued to lose a few pounds. Mostly I have continued to watch what I eat, but still indulge (a lot).

Anyhow, this is the time I  going to get back to it. Officially 25.8 lbs to my goal!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Another Challenge to push myself

So a group that I'm part of is doing a 90 day weight loss challenge. I've done one like this through a mom group I'm part of & I actually came in 2nd overall. This one will be a tad different though. We are alao including inches. Time to gear up & push myself harder.

With Danika starting school & both girls starting soccer I am doing my best to squeeze in gym time before I pick up the kids from daycare.  It's definitely a game of learning to balance everything without killing myself. At least with Robert starting a new job this week & being back to M-F I can get to the gym on Saturday's (after soccer of course).

Starting weight (as of 9/2): 172.8
Belly: 41in
Hips: 44 in

I'll spare you my pictures ;)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Down 2 lbs!?!

So I posted last week that I was going to do my best to follow a plan. For the most part I did, until I had a training class on Thursday. I couldn't take my lunch.  Of course that then snowballed into Friday & Saturday. Somehow I am still down so I'll take it! I know my metabolism is up because quickly after I eat (even a large meal) I am again.

As far as the gym I made it 2 days, but I made sure those counted.  First day I did some cardio on the elliptical. It's getting easier each time, then finished up with weights. Second day I did an hour of Zumba.

Going to attempt the same thing this week but now we have to throw in school for Danika, new daycare for the little kids, and soccer practice. And I'm also thinking about another activity for Danika to start in September.  I am crazy, yes I know ;)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Update for the week

So over the weekend I realized it had been about 3 weeks since I had been to the gym.  I set a goal for this week to go at least 3 times. I'm happy to report I have been twice! I also decided to make a meal plan for the week. Aside from a donut & some cookies today I have stayed on track! Tomorrow I didn't have a plan because I will be in a training class, so I will just have to see what is around the area when lunch comes up.

Hoping to see good results on Saturday!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

It's really been (over) 2 weeks? !?

So this morning Robert asks when was the last time I went to the gym. Honestly I couldn't remember. So I decided a few minutes ago to check my handy dandy LA Fitness app & I haven't been since July 31st! Yikes!

I cannot believe I didn't realize it had been that long. Although with having Danika breakout in a mystery rash, last minute weekend trip to see my brother before je deploys & dealing with school/daycare changes on top of the normal work/family stuff, I've been a tad busy.

Yesterday I did hop on the scale & still managed to lose. I'm down to 172.8. Probably would be a tad less if I wasn't so bloated with AF deciding to make an appearance even though I'm not supposed to have it but every 3 months (that's another story).

My plan for this week is to get to the gym at least 3 times & track what I'm eating. I don't plan on tracking calories or anything.  Just an overall snapshot of what I am eating. The thing is I haven't really changed my eating habits & I'm still doing well for the most part.

This is our last week before our oldest, Danika, starts kindergarten.  Things are about to get crazy busy around here.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Over the last few weeks I have been fluctuating back & forth on my weight. I finally seem to be back in track! While I only made it to the gym this week, I have at least tried not to give into ALL my cravings & eat all the food! I'm down to 173.6 AND I'm down another pants size!

I finally decided to go shopping for new dress pants for work this week & boy was I surprised. The last pair I bought were size16, this week I got into a 14! Being that I haven't worn a size 14 in well over 10 years I am beyond ecstatic!

That's all for now, but hopefully I will have more awesome news to report next week.